Bar Mitzvah Program

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About the program…

A Bar Mitzvah is a very special turning point in one’s life, when a young boy becomes a young man. Unfortunately for too many, the meaning of the day and the experience is lost on meaningless ritual and excessive parties that bankrupt poor mom and dad. At Aish we recognize that not everyone has the same level of commitment and each person must approach Judaism at their own pace. That’s why we have created the Aish Bar Mitzvah Club.

When you join our Bar Mitzvah Club, an experienced tutor will meet with your son to teach him the necessary skills to have an aliyah from the Torah. Depending on the Bar Mitzvah boy’s skills and ability, he will read a selection from the Torah and/or the Haphtarah as well. He will also learn the meaning of the rituals, blessings and his Torah portion.

As a Bar Mitzvah is a really part of a greater appreciation of being a Jew, we will also teach your son the most important and fundamental concepts and meanings of Judaism. For example:

  • Why you should be proud to be Jewish.
  • The Mitzvah of Honoring Parents.
  • What is Torah and why it is essential to Judaism.
  • Tikkun Olam Perfecting the World- Jewish Responsibility to Mankind.
  • The Meaning of the Shema Yisrael prayer.

Aish will create a warm and user-friendly service that your family and friends will greatly enjoy. We call out page numbers frequently and give explanations throughout the course of the service. We are happy to offer honors and aliyot to family members and friends. The Rabbi’s talk will contain a meaningfull personal message to the Bar Mitzvah boy who, in turn, will have an opportunity to address his family, friends and the congregation (we can assist with speech writing as well).

We look forward to being part of this tremendous simcha – happy occasion and milestone in your son’s life.

For more information please call the Aish Center: 954.989.AISH (2474) or email:

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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