Upcoming Events
Your gift enables us to provide wisdom and inspiration to people like you around South Florida and the world.
Aish South Florida is a branch of Aish HaTorah Jerusalem, one of the leading Jewish educational movements in the Jewish world. With branches on 5 continents and programs in 77 cities in 17 countries, Aish has inspired 750,000 participants and has an award winning website www.aish.com visited by over 2 million people monthly.
Aish’s mission is to instill an understanding of Judaism, a commitment to Jewish wisdom and practice, and a sense of responsibility for the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. We accomplish this through cutting edge programs that demonstrate the relevance and beauty of Judaism presented in a non-judgmental environment. Aish is open to all Jews of all affiliations who are interested in learning more about our 3500–year-old heritage.
Upcoming Events
Friday, February 14th:
5:55 PM Candlelighting
6:00 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday, February 15th:
9:15 AM Mini Class with Rabbi N.
9:30 AM Shabbat Morning
9:43 AM Latest Shema
5:50 PM Shabbat Mincha
6:14 PM Sunset
6:44 PM Maariv
6:49 PM Shabbat Out
Weekly Times
Sunday Shacharit: 8:15 am
Weekday Shacharit: 7:00 am
Weekday Mincha/Maariv: 6:00 pm
I found learning with Rabbi Tzvi Nightingale from Aish Hatorah to be a tremendous experience. This was a great break to my busy daily schedule and enabled me to focus on the more important aspects of life such as family and Jewish values. It was a great opportunity to discuss challenging issues, find answers to pressing questions and gave me a much broader and more meaningful perspective to my everyday activities.
“I have been studying with Rabbi Nightingale for a few years on a fairly regular basis. I have found our study to have a very positive effect on my thinkng and feeling on a number of subjects very relevant to the Jewish people today. It is uplifting and enjoyable.”
I have been learning with Rabbi Nightingale for many years, and have found it to be the perfect break from the work week. These are not discussions of religious matter that impact life, but rather discussions of life that religion can help enhance. I don’t always want answers, I want someone to help me better frame my questions, and Rabbi Nightingale has been extremely helpful in that regard.