The Meaning of Life
The Purple Sheet
Chol Hamoed Sukkot– October 21st & 22nd 2016 כ’ תשרי תשע”ו
The Meaning of Life
On the Shabbat during Sukkot, we read the book of Kohelet, Ecclesiastes. Kohelet was a nickname for King Solomon and literally means gathering – referring either to the many people who would gather around him to hear his words of wisdom or to the fact that he gathered and compiled many wise sayings. Indeed Solomon authored three of the 24 books of the Bible and was quite famous for his knowledge and understanding.
Kohelet was written towards the end of his life and in it he shares his musings about all that he accomplished and their worth, or lack thereof as the case may be. הבל הבלים “Vanities of vanities…” is his desperate cry, the Hebrew word hevel literally meaning vapor – something that appears to have substance but does not upon closer inspection.
King Solomon lived at the pinnacle of Jewish history, a golden age of sorts of peace and prosperity and was well-suited to talk about all the good things in life as he had them all. His conflicted feelings of accomplishments are made early on in the work when he describes how he amassed much wealth and power, building houses, vineyards, gardens and orchards. He describes how he had gold, silver, workers and every possible pleasure available to him. He even boasts that he had more than all his predecessors but “still my wisdom stood by me” claiming that he did not become the idiotic fool and buffoon that great wealth turns many a man into. (How often do we see the wealthy and powerful make complete asses of themselves as ego and desire turn them into utter morons?)
Upon reflection of his great deeds, Solomon on the one hand declares, “For my heart was very happy in all of my accomplishments.” But immediately follows up with, “And I turned to look at all that I have done and the energy I had expended in doing them and behold it was all empty and a pain in my soul.” Just like that, on a dime he does a 180 and goes from feeling great about all that he has and all that he has done, to feeling completely empty, wondering what it was all about and if it was worth it.
What’s it all about Alfie?
Is it just for the moment we live?
What’s it all about
When you sort it out, Alfie?
-Cilla Black
Upon closer inspection, I am sure we can all relate to Solomon on some level. All of us go through times where we spend gobs and gobs of time, effort, blood, sweat and tears on various things in our lives – be they building a home or a business or family and relationships – and we will step back and feel completely wonderful and satisfied about it. But then we may look at it other times, further down the road perhaps and wonder whether it was really worth it or not. This can get very confusing as we ponder if it was a waste of time, a waste of a good chunk of life or did it have an ultimate meaning and good to it.
A solution, or better an illustration, of this dilemma may lay in one of the main symbols of Sukkot – the Lulav and Etrog that we wave on this holiday. Normally when Jewish tradition speaks of the four species it relates them to four different types of Jews in our community. The key points are whether or not each of the four species (or their fruits) have taste and/or smell, which correspond to Torah and good deeds respectively. The idea being Torah wisdom gives one “taste” i.e. substance and depth, and that doing mitzvot gives one a nice smell, because those who perform mitzvot are pleasant to be around.
- The Etrog has both a good taste and a good smell, symbolizing those who have both Torah and do good deeds/mitzvot.
- The Lulav is from a date palm, and hence has taste but no smell, symbolizing those who study Torah but may be weak in the area of doing mitzvot.
- The Hadassim/myrtle branch, has a good smell but no taste, symbolizing those Jews who do mitzvot but are not so involved in Torah study.
- The Aravah/willow branch has neither taste nor smell, symbolizing those Jews who have neither Torah nor do many mitzvot.
So it turns out that the Etrog has everything going for it, the Lulav and Hadassim/Myrtle partially and the Aravah/Willow nothing. And come to think about it, doesn’t life feel that way? Don’t we feel at times that everything is going our way, that it is all clicking and working well – we got our health, we are financially comfortable and feeling accomplished? Life tastes and smells as delicious as an Etrog. Yet, on the other end of the spectrum there are times when nothing seems to be going right and our life seems fragile and ready to wither like the willow branch without water. And just as the willow has nothing pleasant about it and seems boring and stale, we might feel the same of our lives and just want to stay in bed and not face the world.
However most of the time, life is a mixed bag like the Lulav or Myrtle/Hadas – it has one or the other. And maybe that is why we get more of this category than the others because for most of us, during much of our lives we are doing pretty good in one area, but need some work in another. Business is great, but I seem to be working too hard. I get along great with most of my family, but there is one child whom I am having trouble with. I like most of the people I work with, but there is this one twit who is a complete incompetent. I love my house, but we really need to redo the kitchen. Miami weather is perfect in December but unbearable in August. London weather is perfect in August but horrible the rest of the year. And so it goes, it is seldom all perfect or all bad.
King Solomon was a man of extremes and he vacillated between one or the other. It was either all so amazing or all so meaningless. But if you want to have real happiness in life, you have to realize that most of it is not lived in the extremes – it isn’t all so perfect like the Etrog or not all so terrible like the Willow. It is in the middle, like the Lulav and Hadas – a bit of this and a bit of that. If you want a steady supply of Happiness in life, you have to live primarily in the middle. Go ahead and have a great time when it all goes well, but don’t expect it will remain that way forever. Roll with the bad knowing that this too will not remain that way forever. And if you do that, then life won’t feel empty and meaningless but full and rewarding – both the good and the not so good.
When all is said and done
Everything is noted
Fear God
Do His Mitzvot
For this is the sum total of Man