Blog Post


Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

Wednesday Night Classes continue with a Choice of 2 programs:
We continue to explore Maimonides’ 13 Principles of Belief.This week:Reward, Punishment and Why Bad Things Happen to Good People with Rabbi Tzvi Nightingale
Weekly Insights into the Book of Deuteronomy with Rabbi Yossi Jankovits
Where: The Aish Centre 4010 North 46 Avenue, Hollywood, FL 33021
Cost: FREE
Date: Wednesday August 31, 2016
Time: All classes start at 8:00 pm
For more information please call the office 954-989-AISH (2474)

This program is underwritten through a generous grant from 

The Zecharia Sitchin Foundation

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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