
Purple Sheet

Life Filled with Blessings

The Purple Sheet Shabbat Parshat Matot & Masei– August 5th/6th 2016 –ב’ אב תשע’ו Life Filled with Blessings May the good Lord...
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Only You Can Make You

The Purple Sheet Shabbat Parshat Balak– July 22nd/23rd 2016 – י’ז תמוז תשע’ו Only You Can Make You   In this week’s...
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Safe Spaces

The Purple Sheet Shabbat Parshat Chukat– July 15th/16th 2016 – י תמוז תשע’ו Safe Spaces Over the last number of years, Israel...
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Difficult People

                          The Purple Sheet           Shabbat Parshat Korach– July 8th/9th 2016 –ג תמוז תשע’ו       Difficult People   This...
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Whiners and Complainers

                          The Purple Sheet           Shabbat Parshat Shlach – July 1st/2nd 2016 – כ’ו סיון תשע’ו     Whiners and Complainers...
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Everything Dies, Except…

                          The Purple Sheet           Shabbat Parshat Beha’alotcha– 24th/25th 2016 – י’ט סיון תשע’ו     Everything Dies, Except…   Nothing...
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The Nice German

                          The Purple Sheet           Shabbat Parshat Naso– 17th/18th 2016 – י’ב סיון תשע’ו   This is a past piece that...
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Making Your Life Count

                          The Purple Sheet           Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar/Shavuot– 10th-13th 2016 – ה’ סיון תשע’ו       Making Your Life Count...
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